Photo Credits: Robbin Brothers
After the pleasant debacle in Timbre Old School, I was disappointed… Maybe my inner showman wanted to have the proposal on stage, where the spotlight will be on us. But I respected that Hellen was not comfortable with this Public Display of Affection (PDA). But while the night seems to be over, my mind keep on spinning to ensure that this proposal attempt will NOT end in failure. I will not take no for an answer!
OK, so after the proposal attempt in Timbre, this is what I know and have (like ingredients from a menu):
1. Proposal Ring (still in my jacket pocket)
2. 99 Roses (in the Timbre fridge)
3. Disappointed Friends (sorry but they did not manage to witness the proposal)
4. Guilty Girlfriend (Hellen seems to feel absolutely worst about herself because she did not want me to propose, effectively washing my effort down the drain)
Now I was thinking: I wanted to propose so much and I can’t think of another time that we can do that. Hellen have not seen the flowers and the ring yet, so I still have something up my sleeves. With the guilt hanging over her, Hellen just wanted some comfort from her friends and decided to stay with Katryn and Arie for the night in Arie’s aunt’s condo in Jurong Kecil. That’s when I told Arie: I want to propose tonight at the condo!
Privacy (no one will be there since it’s so late) and surprise (cause she will not be expecting me) will be present for my final effort. Hence the plan is this: Kat and Arie will sent Hellen back to her own place, get some clothes and go back to Jurong Kecil to tuck in for the night. Me on the other hand will let them have a headstart, take the flowers from the fridge and proceed to the condo at Jurong Kecil and wait for them.
When Hellen went back to her home, her roommates were waiting for the good news! As they were expecting the proposal to be done. When Hellen went in, they wanted to look at her ring… and realise I did not propose yet. I guess it makes her feel extra bad…
In the meantime, I was keeping close contact with Arie, getting status report on their location, while I got on a cab alone and went to Jurong Kecil. In the cab, on my trip down, I was accompanied by the ring, the flowers and music from the radio… In a way, it was a time of personal reflection. After so much planning and ideas and preparation, the execution was totally not down to what I expected. Maybe I did not know her enough, that’s why I decided on a public proposal instead of a private one? Maybe doing too much is not the way to go? Maybe less is more?
Well, at the end of the day, I felt comforted that I did tried my best to make her happy, even if it was not what she really wanted. A marriage is so often this… a union of 2 souls that has different expectations but willing to accept each other because of their effort to love and sacrifice.. God had taught us, brought us through different lives to bring us to this pivotal point of our life where we can be united as one… so I felt no regret.. at least it is a proposal I can remember the details of. As I write this more than 1 year after the proposal, the memory is still stuck vividly in my mind…
As the cab reaches the condo, I got the block number from Arie, got down and ran around trying to find the ‘perfect romantic proposal spot’. As I was passing by the swimming pools, I saw this oldschool bridge separating 2 pools. It was not a small kids’ bridge, but a pretty big one. I told Arie and Kat that I will be waiting at the pool and asked them to make sure Hellen passes by it. At that moment of time, it was roughly 1am, 1 Jan 2009. The pool was well-lit, and I am the solitary soul standing on the bridge, holding my secret weapon, the 99 roses which was well-hidden throughout the Timbre episode.
The moment came, when she walked towards the pool and saw me, with the roses, on the bridge, by the pool. No music, nobody else, a moment just for me and her. She was wearing the t-shirt and shorts she normally wears for sleeping… the most natural Hellen you can ever see. Kneeling down, I uttered the words, “Will you marry me?”, something that I have been dying to say for the whole night. Finally the tears came, I put the ring through her left hand’s fourth finger as she says ‘YES’!
What a night of turmoil… I had a plan, threw it out the window, sang in Timbre, came up with an impromptu plan, executed it and had a successful proposal. There is no pictures for this part, as it is an entirely private moment for us both.
Last words.. in a wonderful blissful marriage, a singular point such as a perfect proposal or a perfect wedding is never the defining point, but the enduring love a couple has for each other is the defining point. This proposal will always stick in my mind as the launching pad of my impending marriage, as the day where I asked for a lovely lady’s hand in marriage, and succeeded.
Countdown to Wedding Day (19-06-10): 154 days