Since my Jakarta trip, I have pretty much slacked off in the things we need to plan for the wedding. There are still a few things I got to plan for big money purchases. Putting my checklist here to remind myself!
1. Site Visit of OMSQ with Sin Hiap Mui (why I so lazy to call them up!!)
2. Find a AD Videographer (criteria: can’t make me look fat)
3. Find a caterer for Holy Matrimony (should be using a fellow leader’s catering, cos I loved the rendang!! Wahahaha)
4. Plan my Honeymoon (NATAS Fair in end Aug?)
5. Meet up with Di Gio for the Gown design (For my bride-to-be, WOW!)
6. Buy Wedding Bands (suggestions anyone?)
7. Register with the church (I am procrastinating!!! Oh no!!)
Need to buck up, too many things, too little time??!!!
Countdown to Wedding Day (19-06-10): 346 days