She says: 1st Briefing + Craft Day

Last Saturday, Winston and I conducted our first briefing with our helpers. Started with lunch @ Domino Pizza Katong. Followed by briefing in my house and ended with the wedding craft activity. Winston gave a brief of what’s going to happen on the day. I talked about the dress code, we assigned the task to the helpers. We didn’t manage to brief each team individually since not all team members are there. So we’ll do it nearer to the date.

The craft day was a success. We managed to finish tying and decorate 300 boxes of wedding favor, did a garland (thanks to Clarissa’s brilliant idea), packed the photos for photo gallery, etc.

We are so blessed to have group of friends that were supportive. Our cell group members made up the most number of helpers, followed by my housemates (some of which are also my cell members). We have been in the same group for 8 years and counting. Some of them know me before Winston and I were together. They have seen our transformation, seen our past and our future. I am really thankful for them, for without this group of friends, I don’t think we could pull this off. Since we dot not have big budgets to hire wedding planner to do these things for us, we rely much on friends. The least we can do is to thank them publicly and give them good ang bao as much as our budget allows!

So thank you to Lily, You Chun, Eko, Clarissa, Bryan, Kevin, Eunice, Riska, Henry (Pipin), Yong Fu, Alex, Esther, James and Amanda, Genia, Mema, Red for coming to Craft Day and helping us!

Special thanks also for Yuwei who helped us prepare our wedding invites even before craft day.

I will feature our helpers soon! So readers stay tune and Helpers, be prepared!

Here are the pictures of 17 persons cramping inside my room:

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