There is a notorious term for this breed of bride: Bridezilla. Bride that is involved in every details and want to be in control of her wedding. This term has a negative connotation yet more and more brides claim to be one. My lovely fellow bloggers, Josephine, is one of them. For me, I couldn’t care less about the attributes, but I wouldn’t claimed to be a bridezilla (I have the impression that bridezilla drives everybody crazy).
But I am definitely a hands-on bride.
Nowadays brides are more tech-savvy. There are tons of very useful information on the internet, so many inspiring weddings out there. I love clocking my spare time looking at wedding blogs from the US. So much inspiration and so generous in sharing their ideas. I’m just sometimes amazed at how people just generously giving templates or DIY tutorials. I love that spirit! Everybody can have their own personalized wedding.
Surprisingly (yet predictably), I heard more lamentation than joyful noise from brides-to-be. Most of my friends expressed their frustration with the family members’ intervention in their wedding planning. I guess that can be a sore point. For most Asian, wedding means 2 families joined together, and more often than not, everybody wants to chip in their thoughts. Not to mention the superstitions!! There you have the joy-sucker culprit.
We might need to work harder to incarnate our dream wedding, than our counterparts in the Western world. They have the benefit of vast choices of venues and the unorthodox wedding design, where the limit is only within your imagination. However, we shouldn’t bow down to the limitation and surrender to the circumstances. Wedding only happen once (hopefully) and no matter what is the size of your budget, you can have a one-of-a-kind wedding. Because you are one-of-a-kind person!
I believe in the future, there will be more and more hands-on bride than *bo-chap brides!
*bochap (Hokkien): couldn’t be bothered
That’s why I love to work with passionate and positive vendors.
Here’s my bouquet reference for my florist:
PS: Recently my account in Singapore Brides Forum was suspended without any warning or reason. I tried emailing them twice to no avail. I am rather upset, though. However, Singapore Brides forum has been a great source for Brides-To-Be and Grooms-To-Be to plan their wedding. I benefit much from this forum too. I hope they recover my account soon.