I am having a centerpiece meltdown. When we decided to book Conrad Hotel, we didn’t look into the importance of table setting, decoration and lighting. Table setting didn’t concern us as much as the service attitude, food taste, and ambience. But nearer to the date, I face a big challenge to decorate the table setting according to my theme. I’m still learning about table setting, so it’s trial and error until I get the right feel.
There is a perfect solution for my dilemma. Hire a good wedding planner to do a venue decoration, but it cost us minimal 10.000 SGD. Currently, we are in no position to spend that much, since our budget is pretty much fixed. Maybe if we have considered this option earlier, we can adjust our priorities, but now is too late.
So the solution is me and my creative brain.
Here are some of Conrad’s table setting:
How to transform to a White-Black-Tiffany-theme? The answers are research and trial, and keep trying! I am so fortunate my coordinator understands the challenge I am facing, Catheryn is very patient and helpful with me. She know my case is different. I neither use their standard theme nor I hire a professional decorator. Pweehhhh…..I am up to the challenge!